Rambling, duh

Goddamn Facebook.

So, I’m going to populate some of this here web log with older Notes from goddamn Facebook, provided I can actually find them. The geniuses over in FB admin have made it next to impossible to do so, but I am, if nothing else, headstrong.

All the scrolling, scrolling, scrolling turns me into a grumpy fucker, but what the hell else do I have to do? (Yes, this is where I quietly ignore my giant fuck-off list of things to do. Ha.)

Every day, though? No, no. I have a lot of rambling tumbleweeds which just roll through my head from time to time, and you lucky shits, you get to see them here. Sooner or later, I’ll probably say something which might get me cancelled, but only in the Right Now, not in the future. See, if I die or whatever, as soon as the website stops being paid for, that’s the end of the blog, hehHA.

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